Monday, February 10, 2025

Take the Sick Days

Is anyone at your house sick right now?

We have lots of friends that are sick.  Our boys had the flu a couple of weeks ago and we are trying hard to stay healthy.  That isn't easy when you teach kindergarten and it's the germiest time of year.

A teacher mom of older kids reminded me the importance of being a mom first and taking sick days when you need them.  She assured me school would be just fine without me while I took care of my family.  I took three sick days when the boys were sick.  As a teacher, it is so much work to be gone for a day.  You have to map out a detailed plan for the entire school day, remember all the things for all the kids and it's just a lot to be gone.  But my class was just fine without me.  Everything went mostly okay and we're back to our regular routine.  None of my students remember those days now that they're behind us.  Yes, they missed me and were so glad to have me back, but it was fine to be gone.  

Do you know who really appreciated me being home?

My boys.

Leo kept telling me, "Thanks for being home with me!" when he was feeling terrible.  I loved being home with them and got a lot done around the house.  Kevin and I tag teamed the whole week and we both worked on the days we couldn't miss and divided up our sick/work from home days.

I'm glad I picked my family when I had the chance.  I'm replacable at school (greatly missed, but replacable :), but there's no other mom to fill in for me at home.

I have a few sick day tips to share with you that made our sick days a little bit easier.

1. Grocery delivery.  It really is the best thing.  We don't live close to grocery picks up so this saves me so much time.

2. We had super chapped lips and Leo was refusing any chapstick.  I found this tiny pot of vasaline, gave him his own chapstick to put on by himself and he was SOLD.  No more chapped lips.  I think I'll buy a couple extra to have on hand just in case.

3. Comfy blanket beds everywhere.  Sleep on the couch, on our floor or in the recliner.  Just rest!

4. We also hit a wall with medicine.  Leo started refusing and medicine.  This tiny straw in a medicine cup made taking medicine a little easier for him.  I just cut down a regular straw.  Anything to get him to take his medicine.

5. Extra showers, baths with toys, if it'll make you smile, I will probably say yes.

6. Homemade soup, popsicles, jello, Capri suns, etc.  Stay hydrated.  Eat anything you can.

I also ordered all the Emergen-C drinks, chewables and flu meds for the rest of us just in case.  We are prepared if we need any medicine.  We also got extra sleep and rest.  With a ton of hand washing.  Stay healthy!

Friday, February 7, 2025

Friday Five

Happy Friday, friends!  I hope you've had a nice week.  We had a perfectly regular, routine week here and I'm really thankful.  It was busy and everything went as planned.  Hooray!

Today I'm going to recap five current events for each of us.

Kevin & Whitney:

1. Work is busy.  A million projects going on for me.  Interview season for the next cohort of graduate students + a million projects for him.  

2. Date nights have been hard to come by unless you count watching a show together after the kids go to bed.  We were looking forward to a neighborhood Super Bowl party, but it got cancelled due to sickness.  Tis the season.

3. Kevin's latest research was published.  Whitney won the January employee compliment award.

4. Grocery delivery is life changing.

5. Sams > Costco.


1. 6th grade is awesome - lunches with her teacher, leadership opportunities, jobs around the school, friends, sleepovers and more.  She'll be sad to say goodbye to 6th grade.

2. Tennis is fine, but she mostly signed up to spend some extra time with friends after school.

3. Canva master.  She's made valentines for my class, valentines for Fletcher, posters for her school clubs and has birthday party invitations in her drafts.

4. Mystery books are her jam.

5. There is no such thing as having too many oversized sweatshirts, lip gloss and perfume.


1. His teacher called him big brain this week.

2. He's been reading by flashlight every night before bed.  And easily hit his Q3 reading goal just a few weeks into the quarter.

3. He wakes up to an alarm clock every morning, gets dressed and ready right away.  No dilly dallying.

4. His Christmas gift of a PS5 has been a huge hit. 

5. He's very good at coding in computer class.  I love bumping into him at school.


1. He's really into the Wizard of Oz lately after we watched the original oz movie over Christmas break.  And building structures since that what they are learning about at school right now.  

2. Hawaiian Rolls and cookies are the way to his heart.

3. His favorite thing to whisper to me is "You're so pretty and so beautiful!"

4. He isn't a morning person.

5. He gives us a play by play of his days at school and has learned all the kids, teachers and staff names.

I hope you have a great weekend!  We've got a few fun things planned and some snow in the forecast for next week.  See you on Monday.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Quick and Easy Artisan Bread

Do you enjoy making bread?

I love homemade bread, but I get scared off from recipes that have tons of steps or take forever.

I couldn't resist an instagram post that advertised having the easiest 4 ingredient artisan bread.  I love finding a recipe that I already have all the ingredients on hand to make. I added chocolate chips to mine so my version is the easiest 5 ingredient artisan bread.  I know sourdough is all the rage.  I just cannot commit the time it takes or learn the process of sourdough right now.

Follow this recipe and directions to a t and you'll be thrilled with the results.

Emily at Handmade Farmhouse has the yummiest bread ever.

Artisan Bread Recipe:

3 1/2 c flour

2 t salt

1/2 t yeast

1 1/2 c warm water

1 cup chocolate chips (optional, but so yummy!  Really any mix ins would be delish!)

Look at this gorgeous loaf of chocolate chip bread!

Mix in a stand mixer and follow her directions.  They are perfect.  I let mine rise for 4 hours.  Baked at 450 covered for 30 minutes and uncovered for 15 minutes.  I let mine cool with a tea towel on top just like she recommended.  

Then we sliced and served it up.  We all loved this bread!  I topped mine with butter or whipped cream cheese like you would a bagel.  Every option was so good.

I can't wait to make this bread again and try out letting it rise longer and try out making the plain version to go with dinner sometime.

I hope you love it!

I'm drooling just thinking about this yummy bread again today.

Enjoy!  And let me know if you give this recipe a try.

Bonus recipe: I tried Handmade Farmhouse's recipe for Fluffy Homemade Buttermilk Pancakes and they were delicious!  It'll be my go to recipe anytime I have buttermilk that I need to use up.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Mr. Mittens Down One Life

You know how they say that cats have 9 lives?  Meaning that they can survive a lot of stuff.

Well Mr. Mittens is proving that to be true as our most curious, naughtiest, busiest kitten yet.

I read that about tuxedo cats.  The article warned that they are extra curious, extra friendly and extra overall and we are finding that to be true.

Last week I posted a picture of a soaked Mr. Mittens and today I'm here to tell you the story.  It left me in tears and he only seemed to be annoyed that he required a bath afterwards.

I was home with a sick Leo and Fletcher one day last week.  I was trying to get caught up on all the things and it was my chance to get some laundry done.  I filled the washer with a load of blankets and towels.  I put in one pile then reached to grab the second pile.  Never leaving the washing machine.  I added the soap and hit start.

I moved on to get busy fixing breakfast and doing dishes.  Several minutes later when I was sitting down to eat my own breakfast I hear Mr. Mittens crying.  I looked in the usual spots to see if he'd gotten locked in the garage, our walk in pantry, the half bath (all spots he's gotten locked in before) and I could not find him.

Imagine my horror when I realized his meows were coming from the laundry room.  Specifically FROM THE WASHER.  Mr. Mittens was locked inside the washing machine and it was on!!

I stopped the cycle as fast as I could, opened the door and found a soaked Mr. Mittens standing up inside.  His head was perfectly dry and his body was completely soaked.  I grabbed him and gave him a quick once over.  He was fine.  Thank, God.  I cried and hugged him tight.

So here I was holding a drenched cat trying to figure out how in the world this could have happened??  I honestly still have no idea how he got into the washer.  He was not in the blankets or towels so he must have jumped in as I was loading and got covered with laundry.  Then he sat quietly inside as it filled up with water, rinsed the clothes and cried for help.  When I opened the washer door, there wasn't any water inside.  Just wet clothes and a wet Mr. Mittens.

I called Fletcher over to help.  He grabbed towels and quickly realized Mr. Mittens would need a bath.  He had detergent spots all over him.  I gave him a sink bath, scrubbed his soapy self and then helped dry him off.  He got the full spa treatment.  He was mostly just annoyed that he was wet and kept giving me a hairy eyeball (dirty look) for the rest of the day.

I'm so thankful I was home, that I stayed close to the laundry room to hear his cries and that he was so smart to figure out how to keep his head above water.  You guys.  This story could have had a very, very tragic ending so easily.  I'm so thankful God protected him once again.  This is by far his scariest near death encouter yet.  And now I thoroughly check every single load in the washer and dryer.

Adventures of Mr. Mittens:

He's a flight risk and can regularly be found running circles around our property.

He snuck into our dryer once when I was doing laundry.  I fluffed him long enough to hear three loud clunks in the dryer and I opened the door to save him.

He scaled our Christmas trees like he was used to climbing trees on the daily.

He spent the night locked in our walk in pantry.  Somehow he'd gotten locked inside.

He jumps onto my plant table like a jungle cat, digs around in my plants and knocks over potted plants.

He is our only cat to have a full set of claws and we found him climbing our family room curtains like that was the exact thing they were made for.

And now washer gate.

He's the cutest, sweetest cat, but this guy keeps us on our toes.

When he see this handsome guy on my feed, pray for him because he is one busy guy!

Friday, January 31, 2025

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday, friends!  This week.  Whew.  It was a week where almost nothing went as planned.  

We had to cancel plans, call in grandparent help for rides, alternate taking sick/work from home days for two sick boys and pivot all week long.  Poor Leo is still home sick today.  I'm ready for the weekend while also praying that the rest of us stay healthy.  I'm ready for our regular routine next week.

We still had some favorite moments of the week in spite of the week not going as planned.

1. HomeGoods.  It's my favorite place.  Olive and I picked up a couple of things for her birthday party.  It's not until May, but we like to start collecting party supplies early. Aren't these bows so cute!?

2. Surprise flowers are my favorite.  Pretty bouquet, Kev.

3. I try to keep the ingredients for homemade chicken noodle soup on hand all winter long.  Fletcher wasn't feeling great and he said it was the only thing that would make him feel better.

4. I love changing out my maker's space in my classroom.  It was play-doh last month and now it's a snowman building station.  The kids can play here at indoor recess or sometimes their tables earn a reward to head to maker's space.  They love filling the jars with white beans or cotton balls.  Then they add all the snowman accessories.

5. Leo loves to bake and it's my favorite.

6. Did you see my word of the year?  I wrote about it earlier this week.

7. Pearl.  She's not super friendly to everyone, but she loves me and loves Kevin.

8. When you find art that you LOVE at Marshalls, it must come home with you.  Stay tuned to a little makeover project I'm working on upstairs.

9. Lots of working from home.  Mr. Mittens needed some attention.

10. Yummy school lunches were our favorite.  The kids said they would cry if they had to eat school lunch.  I'm glad they appreciate a yummy lunch from home.

11. Sweet teachers.  Fletcher's teacher lets them pick a BIG candy when they hit big math goals.  He was so happy to get to place his order for sweet tart ropes.

12. Zero the Hero showed up to celebrate the 100th day of school with the kindergarten.  Our superintendent had so much fun being a super hero.  I'm not sure who loved singing and dancing with him more - the kids or him.  The kids loved their super hero Tootsie Roll pops.

13. A perk of me being home more is more time with Olive in the mornings.

14. I'm thankful that Mr. Mittens survived this week.  Let's just say he got himself into big trouble and he lost a couple of his lives.  Check back in next week for that scary story.

15. Bath time is the best time.  Leo took several baths this week and he loved it.  We don't usually have leisurely baths so this was a treat.

16. Iced coffee was life this week.

17. Lots of naps.

18. And these two are making progress in the friend department which is my favorite.  One day I'll find them snuggling and my heart will burst.


I hope you have a wonderful weekend!  I'll see you back here on Monday.

Linking up with Momfessionals

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

2025 Word of the Year

I had to get this post in before the end of January!  New year.  New word.  

This is my 13th year selecting a word of the year.  I only saw a couple other people talking about their word of the year this new year and that is okay by me.  It is one of my favorite new year traditions and it seems to work better for me than making a list of new year's resolutions.

Here's a quick word of the year recap going back to 2013.  

It starts back in 2013 when I became a mom.  That was definitely a big year of change for me - a move from UT to AR, going from teaching 3rd grade to being a full time mom and adding Olive to the family.  Fast forward to 2024 and my word was cherish.  I didn't realize in January of 2024 that I'd be returning to teaching and we'd all be going back to school in the Fall.  I am thankful that cherish was my focus because I learned how to cherish more than ever last year.

2024: Cherish

2023: Shine

2022: Home

2021: Focus

2020: Family

2019: Listen

2018: Grow

2017: Care    

2016: Invite

2015: Enjoy

2014: Thrive

2013: Change

My 2025 word of the year is: ACTIVE!

Art by Leo.

I want to... 

Be ACTIVE with my kids.  Go on walks, exercise regularly, ride bikes, hike, play and say yes to their requests to be on the go and play.  Each of my kids has different interests and different love languages.  I want to actively connect with each one of them this year.  It's easy to work all week and crash on the weekends.  I want to do more connecting this year.

Be ACTIVE with my friendships.  It's easy get focused on my own busy schedule and stay in the routine of texting/checking in with friends.  I want to be the inviter, the plan maker and be sure to stay connected with my favorite people. And that means continuing with my blog and being better and replying to your sweet comments in the new year.  

Be ACTIVE in my school.  Get to know everyone better.  Learn more names.  Get to know families.  Make new friends.  Help Fletcher & Leo to connect with friends.  Reach out to people for help when I need it and finish the school year feeling well connected with everyone.  I have worked hard on this all year so I'm feeling good about this goal.

Be ACTIVE at church.  I enjoy participating in a couple different ministries, but it's been a challenge to stay connected and work full time.  I think there's a way to do both so my hope is to find a way to be active at church even though I'm missing out on all the week day stuff I used to do with my mom friends.

Be ACTIVE in my hobbies and in learning new things.  I love to blog, take pictures, garden, bake, make Bundt cakes, travel, organize, decorate and craft.  We have big dreams for our garden this year.  Maybe even a wild flower garden like ones we saw in Wisconsin.  Frame and print the pictures.  Read the stack of books sitting on my desk.  I have supplies to do lots of fun projects around the house.  Maybe I'll learn a new hobby or two this year.  I want to do more of that and less scrolling on my phone.

Be ACTIVE with my family.  Plan fun things.  Date nights.  Travel.  Play games.  Make yummy food.  Try new recipes.  Run errands together.  Enjoy being together.  Olive heads to junior high later this year so we'll be actively learning all the junior high things.  Kevin is working on some big things for work and we want to cheer for him along the way.

Happy New Year!

Do you have a word of the year or big goals in 2025?  I'd love to hear about them!

Monday, January 27, 2025

5 Minute S'mores Dip

I have the yummiest, easiest dessert recipe to share with you today!

We loved it so much that we made it twice last week.

Hello, S'mores Dip!

It takes 5 minutes to assemble and bake and the ingredient list is really short.

S'mores Dip #1 (my favorite)

Chocolate Chips or any of your favorite chocolate
Mini Marshmallows
Graham Crackers

Layer the chocolate on the bottom of a pie or loaf pan.  Put mini marshmallows on top.

Bake at 400 for 2-3 minutes.  Watch it closely! The marshmallows toast fast.  Remove it from the oven when the marshmallows are at your perfect level of toasty.  Let it sit for a couple minutes to ensure that the chocolate is good and melty.  Break apart graham crackers for dipping.  Serve your s'mores dip!

This was so much fun to make and eat.  It would be the perfect treat to make for kids, friends, neighbors or your own crew if you need a simple dessert.

S'mores Dip #2 (the kid's favorite)
Fletcher wanted to change up the chocolate so we did Hershey Bars, Cookies & Cream Hershey bars & Reeses cups.  We broke everything up into small bits and did the same process as above.  It took the chocolate chunks just a little longer to melt than the chocolate chips.  Both options are delicious!

Fletcher is such a good helper in the kitchen.  He loved making this with me and loved creating a new recipe with me.  This is the perfect recipe to make with your kids.  Enjoy!