Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Happy Birthday, Kev!!

We are so happy to celebrate our favorite guy today with his favorite foods and fireworks!

Olive loves...

going on new adventures with him.

Fletcher loves that...

he pushes us to try new things and whenever we're nervous to do something he helps us to feel confident about it.

Leo loves...

going to Notre Dame and Wisconsin with Daddy.  He's so fun.

I love that...

Kevin puts the fun in our family.

He's spontaneous and thoughtful.

He notices every little detail - like new eye shadow or a new shirt.

He loves hanging out at our firepit and planning all of our trips.

He plans and I pack and organize.  We make a good team!

He's my biggest cheerleader and helper.

He loves treating the kids to fun splurges and surprises.

Kevin enjoys watching all sports, but he counts down the days until college football returns.

He loves to read, loves to cheer for Notre Dame and he loves to pick up dinner for us on his way home from work.

He's got some exciting things ahead at work and we couldn't be more proud!

We love you, Kev!  43 is going to be a good year!

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I LOVE hearing from you!! Thanks for taking the time to leave sweet comments; I enjoy reading every one of them.