Friday, July 26, 2024

Friday Faves

Happy Friday, Friends!  I hope it's been a good week at your house.  We're enjoying our last weeks of Summer and trying to do all the fun things.

The highlights of our week were:

1. We had a great 20th anniversary!  We stopped by the chapel where we got married and Olive snapped our picture.  That was after we dropped my van off to be serviced, shared a ride to work and then ran all the errands.  But we ended the night with my parents babysitting so we could go out to dinner.  That pretty much sums up 20 years of marriage.  We're so thankful to hit this big milestone together.

One of my favorite pictures from our wedding day.

Lucky to love this crew!

2. Crumbl cookies!  Last year we got Crumbl cookies on our anniversary so I got them again.  I wish I would have gotten all chocolate chunk cookies.  They were so good.  The kids love the Reeses cookie and everyone wished the Snickerdoodle didn't have cream cheese frosting on it.

3. Pink flowers.  Kevin always picks out hot pink/light pink just like on our wedding day.  And they're always from the grocery store because budget flowers and superior.  

4. Longhorn is our favorite.  We had delicious drinks, bread, salads, seafood for Kev and parmesan crusted chicken and loaded baked potato for me.  I'll be dreaming of this meal.  And then we strolled through the grocery store to grab a few things before heading home.  Very on brand - practical and fun!

5. Teacher gifts!  I've gotten some really sweet teacher gifts and cards from friends in preparation for returning to the classroom this Fall.  Look at this darling basket!  I can't wait to use all this cute stuff in my classroom.  The love and support is so appreciated.

6. You're never too old for treats from your mom.  My mom watched the kids so I could work in my classroom and she sent me off with fresh Butterfinger cookies.  Comfort food at its finest!  This is probably why I'm always eager to share cookies with others - my mom has been baking for others my whole life.

7. We had lunch with this cute cow!  The kids and I have been going to all the appointments, running all the errands and grabbing some meals on the cow.  They picked Chick-Fil-A at the mall and this was Leo's kid's meal prize.  He wore his cow mask all through the mall and mooed at anyone that complimented his mask.  I love fun prizes like these.  4 year olds are hilarious.

8. Seeds! We have really enjoyed planting flower seeds this year.  Look at these Cosmos!  They're as tall as Leo and have been so happy in our full sun yard.  We have big dreams of a wildflower garden for Summer 2025.

We saved marigold seeds last year and it's been so fun to watch them grow.

I love this pretty pot cluster.

9. Leo has been asking for extra snuggles at bedtime and I'm happy to say yes.  I know he won't want to fall asleep with snuggles forever so I'll soak them in.

10. Do you want a sneak peek at my kindergarten class theme for this year??  Happy colors and smiley faces!!  I keep finding them everywhere and it makes me so happy.  I'm still working hard to pull my classroom together.  Stay tuned for a classroom tour in August.

We were driving home from Wisconsin - Kevin driving and me riding passenger.  And Fletcher spotted this smiley face on a semi truck.  I loved it!

I hope you have a great weekend!  See you back here next week for some fun Wisconsin posts.

Linking up with Momfessionals


  1. Wow, I need to catch up on blog reading. I didn't know you were going back to the classroom. Congrats!

  2. What a fabulous week of anniversary fun! Congrats on 20 years; wishing you many, many more together.

  3. Happy Anniversary! What a wonderful milestone, definitely worthy of celebration. We hit #40 this year which sounds huge, but wow time flies. Good luck returning to the classroom!

  4. I'll bet its so fun to get your kids input on what things a "fun" kindergarten teacher does!


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