Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Halloween 2023

Let me introduce to you our 2023 Halloween crew!

Olive = Stitch

Fletcher = A Spy

Leo = A T-Rex

They were all so excited about their costumes! The weather turned really cold over night with our first big frost and lows in the 20s.  So we bundled ourselves up and trick or treated our neighborhood on Halloween night.   


Stitch.  Olive is obsessed with Stitch and was excited that her costume could be layered with warm layers underneath.



Spy.  Fletcher is really into decoding and mysteries and all things spy/detective related.


T-Rex.  Leo roared his way through our neighborhood and on campus when we visited Kevin.  He kept feeding his t-rex candy and yelling Happy Halloween!

I hope you had a Happy Halloween with your favorite people!

1 comment:

  1. Oh they all look so cute in their costumes!! 🥰 My oldest daughter was Stitch obsessed when she was Olive’s age and her 11th bday party was a Stitch Hawaiian party which she still talks about (she’s 23 now!). As for movies for that age (my youngest is 12) we’ve enjoyed finding the old 60s and 70s Disney movies. There are way more than we ever knew existed but if you go to Amazon prime and start looking for and watching a few, then they’ll start giving you bookoodles of suggestions for more that are cute and family friendly! The Herbie movies have been a favorite lately. Love seeing your sweet family. 🧡You’re a good mama!


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