Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Slow Down

We are big fans of slow Saturdays or slow weekends anytime we can get them.  

I know from friend's posts on social media that weekends are BUSY for lots of people.  

One friend posted that they had 4+ sports games to attend on Saturday, another friend was too busy to get our kids together for weeks and another friends posted that they did about ten different events on the weekends with their family.  There's nothing wrong with any of those examples, but my family does not thrive with that kind of nonstop, on the go schedule.

We intentionally slow down.

We sign up for things sparingly.  

Plan a few things to do for the weekend.  

Don't set early alarms if we can help it.  

Go to church on Sunday mornings.

Plan to be home together as much as possible.  

And that's okay.  Actually, it's GREAT!  

You don't have to schedule your family to the max.

I like to fix big breakfasts on the weekends.  Play outside with the kids.  Go for bike rides.  Go for walks.  Do art projects.  Read.  Get take out for dinner.  Grill.  Hang out with friends.  And give our kids time to play together.  We add in things like a trip to the zoo, ocassionally head out of town, sporting events and such.  It is just not enjoyable for us to be gone from home as much as possible.  

I hope that's encouraging to you as you are looking ahead to Summer schedules and the pressure to sign your kids up for every camp, every experience and every outing.  I bet your kids would enjoy some down time in their schedules, not have to be rushed from point A to B and would enjoy just getting to be home with you!

I made pancakes one morning and muffins the next.  The kids love to help with a big breakfast.

I keep this Hungry Jack Light and Fluffy pancake mix on hand at all times.  You just add water and end up with the yummiest, fluffiest pancakes!

How's your schedule looking for Summer?  Leo wants to encourage you to build some down time into your Summer routines!


  1. Oh man. I totally agree with this very counter-cultural opinion! We do not function well when we are too busy! My husband and I occasionally talk about how we will navigate this as the kids get older...we want to allow them to do sports/activities but we also want to be intentional about keeping our family culture, free time, and enjoying the little things! I wish there were more middle-ground when it comes to music lessons, sports, etc but it seems like all the programs around here are multiple days/night a week and on weekends...that doesn't sound great for any of us!

  2. Having that downtime/slowtime at home is so important for building the sibling relationships! Great post today!

  3. I love this! Ian played baseball for a long time, He made All-Stars and it took up our entire summer and he hated it. He never played baseball again and that's when he took up golf. We don't thrive on busy schedules either


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