Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Leo is FOUR

 Leo turned four on April 7th and we had a really fun time celebrating him.  We tried to do all of his favorite things - church in the morning with his buddies, his favorite foods and lots of playing outside.

Leo loves cookies, Hawaiian Rolls, french fries, apples and vanilla ice cream.  He enjoys doing puzzles, cutting paper, benig read to and sitting on mom.  He leans towards the bossy side so we jokingly call him Boss Baby.  He loves to play outside, plays hard, everyone fights to be his favorite and he heads to PreK this Fall.  Babies don't keep!

He requested cookies and vanilla ice cream for his birthday treat.

We woke up early to open gifts wrapped in his favorite Paw Patrol buddies.

This sweet guy has been without a set of wheels for over a month and he was SO excited to get a new bike for his birthday!

His birthday was the day where we spotted 8 rainbows in our backyard.  We had to stop and snap some pictures with the birthday boy and the rainbows.

Happy Birthday, Leo!  Year 4 is going to be fun!


  1. Wow, four!! What a fun age! Happy birthday cutie pie Leo!

  2. Aww, happy birthday to your Leo! What a cutie pie!! 🥰

  3. Happy birthday to Leo! What a boss baby! I will never forget that my Jack broke his arm right before his 4th birthday.


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