Tuesday, March 5, 2024

2 Tips to Make Your Salads Extra Delicious

I am trying to eat more salads.  That requires regularly buying, chopping and actually eating salads at home.  My goal is a salad a day and it happens more often than not.  I've been doing side salads with dinner, big salads for lunch or dinner or getting a salad when I'm out to eat.  

I've got two tips for you that will make salad eating so much more enjoyable for you.  It obviously helps if you have dressings you really enjoy and know your favorite salad ingredients.  If not, start small and buy a new dressing or a new veggie and discover what you love on your salads.

#1 Chop your veggies in advance.

Grab a big container with a lid (this Tupperware cupcake container works great) and put little bowls or ramekins inside.  Fill the little bowls with your favorite bite sized ingredients.  Then when you want to eat a salad, you have everything ready to go!  It will feel like your own little salad bar at home.

#2 Make extra protein at dinner time and save it for your salads.

This past week I grilled an extra chicken breast and cooked some extra bacon.  I chopped them into bite size pieces and refrigerated them.  Then when I wanted a salad for lunch, I put a serving of protein in a skillet and heated it up while I was building my salad.  It made my salad much more filling and much quicker since I just needed to reheat the fully cooked meats.  Mixing the grilled chicken and thick cut bacon was an excellent idea.

Enjoy those yummy salads!

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