Monday, November 16, 2020

Happy Birthday to ME!

Today's my birthday and I'm looking forward to a fun week.  I don't have any huge plans to celebrate.  I'm just going to try to do all of my favorite things.  39 is going to be just fine :)  40 used to seem so old, but not anymore.  It really feels like just yesterdays I was turning 21.  Time flies.  And now I'm sounding old.

In our family, the birthday person gets to pick fun stuff to do all week long - take out dinners, pick out the menu for home, open cards and gifts, their favorite dessert, presents and date night.  I'm thankful to celebrate turning 39 with my family.  


2020 has been a doozy of a year.

It's been filled with so many things I never expected.


A sweet baby #3.


Home school.

Keeping the kids at home for two months straight.

Fletcher getting attacked by a dog.

CT scans, blood work, tests, MRIs and many doctors appointments for me.

3 different surgeries for me.

Shut downs.

School closings.

So many uncertainties. 


Many new rules. 

Olive starting 2nd grade & Fletcher starting school.

Adding 2 kittens to the family.

Ongoing elections.

More family time than ever at home.

Cancelled plans.


No wonder I'm tearing up as I type.  

It's been a lot.  

Many of those things are still weighing heavy on my mind.

2020, you're one for the record books for the good and for the bad.

It has been a year of big emotions - big highs and lows.  

I think that's probably true for everyone.  

I'm coming to you today feeling very thankful to be happy, healthy and excited to cross the 2020 finish line.  I can see the blessings and the way that God has looked out for our family in the midst of the hard stuff.  I am eager to see what the coming year has in store for our family.  I can't wait to get a front row seat to all the milestones my kids will hit and the memories that we will make together.  I'm looking forward to LOTS. 

I hope that I always remember the highlights of 2020; that the hardships lose their sting and fade a bit in my memory.  2020 will always be the year of Leo for us and I'm guessing nothing will be able to top adding him to our family.  I'll be blowing out my birthday candles wishing for something big this year.

I'm setting goals, making plans and praying that the best is yet to come for us and for you!


  1. HAppy Birthday to you!! I hope you have a great day!

  2. Happy Birthday, friend! I'm praying that you have a wonderful birthday WEEK and that as time goes by, you'll look back and see only God's love and faithfulness throughout this year and all the rest! <3

  3. Happy Happy Birthday beautiful friend!!!! You are truly one of my favorite people💛 I hope you have the best day!!!!

  4. When you type out all of the events in your life from 2020, it really is A LOT! Happy birthday - your blog and IG are always a bright spot in my day!

  5. Happy birthday, sweet girl! What a nice post - you certainly did have a lot in 2020. I love how you dubbed it the year of LEO, and hopefully all this other not so good things will fade into distant memory :-) Thankful to call you my friend!

  6. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Whitney, Happy Birthday to you ��������������

  7. ������������������������

  8. Just wanted to send you some balloons.........Ugh!......:)


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