Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Ideal Chores for Kids Ages 3-10

Do your kids help with things around the house?

Mine do!

I am always shocked when moms say their kids don't help around the house.  I don't have the time or energy to do everything for everyone.  I'm always driving home the point that we're a family.  A team.  And we need to work together to make our house run.  The kids likely get tired of hearing it, but I hope the message sticks with them.  Families need to work together to make a house feel like home.

We don't give allowances for doing chores right now.  We just all pitch in and help.  I relax my standards of how towels should be folded or how they should be stored in a drawer.  I appreciate their help and I don't want them to feel micromanaged.  I let them figure out the best way to make their beds and put away their clothes.  Then from time to time and give them little lessons on how to do things.  I'm also the initiator of all these tasks.  I get the ball rolling and delegate and they help.  My ultimate goal is to teach them these skills when they are little so that they will that they will be able to run homes of their own one day!

Older kid chore ideas (ages 7 & 10):

1. Fold laundry - clothes, towels, etc.

2. Put away laundry

3. Dust bust

4. Clean up toys or the playroom

5. Make their beds

6. Dust

7. Vacuum

8. Dry dishes

9. Hang up their towels after a shower

10. Pull in the trash cans from the curb

11. Before Kevin mows, they sweep through the yard to pick up any toys.

12. Return library books when they're due - I keep them in the car and they walk them up to the drop slot.

13. Clear the table after dinner and put the dishes by the sink

14. Water outdoor plants

15. Cooking - peeling vegetables, chopping fruit or vegetables, learning to make something likes scrambled eggs or grilled cheese, blueberry muffins or brownies from a box or being able to make their own milk shakes or blizzards.  Each of these tasks is a learned skill.  It'll take some practice and patience on your part.  But it'll be so exciting when they master this skill and can do it independently.

16. Grocery shopping helpers - push the cart, help load and unload and plan food for the week.

17. Supervise siblings

18. Flip all their laundry right side out before loading it in the washing machine


My 3 year old loves to have a job!  He is thrilled to be asked to help unlike his older siblings.  haha.  He's also the messiest of the bunch so we all find ourselves working together to keep the house tidy with a toddler living here.

3 year old chore ideas:

1. Dust bust

2. Unload the dishwasher & hand things to mom

3. Set the silverware on the table

4. Put away toys

5. Putting their dirty laundry in the laundry basket

6. Move the bar stools and chairs when I vacuum

7. Refill cat food

8. Help switch clothes from the washer to the dryer

9. Empty bathroom trash cans

10. Helping make a bed

11. Refilling drinks in the drink fridge

12. Water outside plants with help

13. Get the mail

14. Get any packages on the porch

15. Help carry in groceries

16. Take the compost out to the garden every day and dump it

If you wish your kids or grand kids did more to help, start by giving them one job.  When they master that, add in another job or two.  I bet they'll love helping you if you show them how and praise them for their efforts.  My kids love when I catch them pitching in to help our family.  They feel proud of a job well done and love when I give them important jobs.

Tell me some chores that your kids do to help keep your family running smoothly!

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