Friday, June 5, 2020

Friday Favorites... Even in the Hard Times

Man, this week has been hard.

We've had personal things going on (Fletcher's Dog Attack and all the emotions that went along with that), COVID-19 restrictions still being in place and then any time you scrolled social media, watched the news or heard about current events of protest and riots and political unrest.  So much heart break at so many different levels.  I felt myself pulling back from my phone and my computer to think about things and to try to see the good right in front of me.

As a policeman's daughter, I am just appalled at the killing of George Floyd.

Seeing a policeman doing the opposite of everything he was trained to do is repulsive.  My dad is one of the good ones.  He's protected and served his community for 40+ years and counting.  He loves his job.  Loves the people and just loves helping others.  Fletcher dreams of being a policeman one day and we are worried for all the violence we are watching against policeman and people.

All the racial division is awful.  I hate seeing the violence, protests and destruction featured on the news every day and hate that it's a current event in 2020.  Change is necessary.  I have loved seeing communities coming together and talking things through.  There have been church and community leaders reading out to their elected officials and having some great dialogue.  Those stories aren't getting as much air time and I hope they continue to happen across the country.  I'm praying for our country, for our leaders and for the future.

I've been thinking:
What does this mean for my family?  For my kids?  Followed with, What can I do?

We can love and show love.  I can share age appropriate things with my kids to talk about being loving to everyone, being kind to everyone, reaching out to those around us, branching out in our communities, volunteering, pray and be a positive light to those around us.  I can stand up for people even when it's hard.  I can model love, kindness, respect, a listening ear and acceptance to my three children.  I can vote.  Educating myself on the best people for the office is an awesome way to use my voice.

I don't have all the answers.

I won't get everything right, but I can show up every day and try my best.

A few favorites from this week...

Be Kind is one of our favorite books.

Ice cream picnics are a favorite Summer activity.  Family Night at Baskin Robbins means discounted ice cream.  We went through the drive through and headed to a nearby park to have an ice cream picnic by the creek.

These two making up their own games (fishing) is my favorite.

A few favorite things on social media this week:

Thanks for reading!  Hope you find ways to love others this weekend :)

Linking up with Momfessionals


  1. Whitney- this post was such a beautiful thing for me to read this morning. I love everything you said and couldn’t agree with you more. I hope y’all have a quiet weekend and Fletcher continues to heal. Sending you a big hug!💛

  2. So well said, Whitney. Your words are from the heart and are so spot on. I honestly almost closed my ig this week bc it’s been sparking joy for me less and less these days - and with the election around the corner, I just don’t know...

    Anyway! Love your Friday faves :) is that little creek in the backyard? How is Fletcher feeling? Hugs to you today :)

  3. This is so well said, and really reflects how I felt this week. Social media and the news were so negative this week, and it's hard to know who and what to believe sometimes. I will continue to focus on treating those around me with kindness and love, and try to keep an open mind and heart. I hope F is feeling better.

  4. Well said! My boys and I have been talking pretty in depth about all this heavy issues this week and it's been rather hard as a parent to admit that I have no answers... all I can do is pray, show love and respect for others and model kindness.

  5. Thank you for those words. I salute your father! There are countless officers in blue that care!


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