Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Adjusting to PreK

Have you ever started something new and needed a little bit of encouragement?

Leo's on week 3 of going to full time PreK.  I signed him up to go to part time PreK 3 days a week this Fall at our church and ease into a school routine.  That's what Olive and Fletcher did so it seemed right for Leo.  I felt nervous about him having to suddenly go from being home all week having to go to school all week.  That is a huge change for all of us.  God had other plans for both of us this year and he's been so good to give me encouragement along the way.

Leo was playing with these fun letters and was excited to tell me what it said.  

It says "PreK is going to be so fun!"

It obviously doesn't say that, but I was so thankful for this encouraging message.

We have already noticed a big change in number of the things that Leo can do and wants to do by himself.  He asked for help with these puzzles and then decided he could try them by himself.  He did so well with them and was so proud of himself.  He's looking for ways to take care of himself at home after doing it all day at school.

His teacher sends me the nicest notes tell me all the ways that Leo is growing and learning.  He's singing new songs, learning the months of the year, playing with new toys, learning to ride a tricycle and making friends.  It's so precious and so encouraging.  I was nervous about this big transition and am happy to report that Leo is thriving.

I pack his favorite snacks and lunches.  We drop him off as late as possible.  Pick him up as early as possible.  And we both communicate often with his teacher to make sure that Leo is thriving.

Change is hard, but it's doable one day at a time.

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