Friday, June 23, 2023

Friday Favorites

Hey Friends!  Happy Friday!  I hope you've had a wonderful week.  We hit the ground running with both big kids going to Art Camp every morning this week.  They had a blast and Leo and I enjoyed our mornings together.  We did our usual errands plus some play dates and Bible study with friends.

The best parts of our week were:

1 // Super Chopped Salads

Have you seen the super chopped salads and sandwiches all over social media??  They all look so good.  I decided to try my favorite salad ingredients and super chop them.  It was delicious!!  And so easy to eat.  It would be great to take to work or to eat on the go.  I like to chop 2 at a time - one for that day and one for an easy lunch the next day.

2 // Flowers are thriving

We've been watering our flowers like crazy and my pots are all looking so pretty!  Leo has finally quit picking my flowers and is interested in helping me take care of them.  Hooray!

3 // Garage doors done!

We have been waiting for months and months for our builder to have our garage doors repainted.  They got tons of construction debris on them when the house was being built.  He finally agreed, hired the painters and we are so impressed.  They look brand new!  It has been challenging for us to find workers or repairmen that are really interested in the details.  These painters consulted me to make sure they did everything the right way and ensured me the doors would look perfect when they were done.  They do!

4 // Goobers

These two agreed to do their daily school work only if I'd let them wear their new goggles and nose plugs.  Deal.

5 // Cousin Time

The cousins all got to play together for dinner one night at my parent's house and then again on Father's Day.  Leo always picks to sit by Mimi.

6 // Jordan Bakery Box

It's been a yummy month in the cookie department!  Our house is divided - some love chocolate chip the most and others love the triple chocolate chip the most.  I love both!

7 // Selifies

I love finding surprise selfies on my phone :)

8 // Candy Corn Helper

Leo loves to help me make candy corn for the kids (popcorn with candy sprinkled on top) and delvier it to Olive and Fletcher.  We love watching movies together in the evening.

9 // Bikes Rides

We're still enjoying bike rides around our neighborhood in the evenings despite Leo crashing a few times and skinning his elbow.  Ouchie!

10 // Crochet Class

Olive is taking a cute crochet class with a friend.  She already knows how to crochet so it's a fun activity for her.  I have no clue how to crochet so I was proud of this chain.  I'm mostly just there for moral support.

11 // More eggs!

This is our 3rd robin's nest and set of eggs this season!  They really love the tree line in our backyard.  It's been really fun to watch the egg drama every day and then get to check on the babies.

12 // Wildman Leo

has been making every surface a construction site.

has been putting on his own Crocs.

has been struggling with sleep - 5am wake ups, 6am wake ups and 7 am wake ups, naps and no naps and been extra emotional.  It's hard to be 3.

has been talking up a storm.


13 // Playscapes

We met some friends to play at a local spot this week and had so much fun.  It's an awesome indoor play place with a coffee shop.

Check back next week for some recaps of our trip to Destin!

Have a great weekend!

Linking up with Momfessionals


  1. Those cookies sure do look delicious as does that chop salad! Those garage doors look brand new.

  2. That salad looks so good and your flowers are looking great as are your garage doors.
    hehehe At those two with their goggles and nose plugs, it does seem like a good deal.


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