Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Love Your People by Personalizing Your Grocery List

I've been trying something new and it's been so fun!  It has won me some extra mom and wife points from my family :)

I try hard to personalize my grocery list each week and my menu based on things my family loves.  Let me explain.  I overheard Fletcher talking about wanting more spicy jalapeno chips and Olive casually mentioned that she really loves Granny Smith apples, but we never have them.  So I added both of those to my grocery list.  I just quietly picked them up and surprised the kids with them.

They were so excited to see some of their favorite items in the fridge/pantry.  I know they felt a little extra love knowing that I was listening and took note of their request.

Same thing with meal planning - Fletcher loves Taquitos so I put them on the menu.  Someone mentioned that we hadn't had charcuterie board dinner in a while so we are having that this week.  Little things that let people know you're listening really do make them feel so good.

It's a super simple thing, but if you are the one doing the meal planning or the grocery shopping, it's an easy way to show your family a little extra love without too much extra work on your part.

These are some things that I have gone out of my way to pick up for my family:

1. Kevin's favorite Gatorade drinks

2. Spicy Chips / Ruffles

3. Snickers Ice Cream Bars

4. Little cups of vanilla ice cream

5. Granny Smith apples

6. Taquitos

7. Mechanical pencil lead and fresh colored pencils - obviously not food items, but Olive was frustrated with her school supplies when she was doing homework.  I put both on my grocery pick up list to help her out.

8. S'mores ingredients so we are prepared to make s'mores anytime

9. Kevin's favorite bbq sauce

10. Some of those flavored drink drops that you can add to water

Keep an ear out for things that your family mentions this week and grab those items for them!  They'll love the surprise!

1 comment:

  1. This is such a sweet way to show your family that you care about them and are listening!


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