Friday, September 1, 2023

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday, friends!  I hope you've had a nice week.  The weather was gorgeous in the Midwest and  it made us all eager for Fall.

Did you catch my blog posts this week?

How to DIY Gorgeous Flowers for a Dinner Party

Library Love

Transitioning your Flower Pots for Fall

Now onto my favorite moments of the week:

1 // Our Dinner Party

We hosted a fun dinner party last weekend for Kevin's coworkers and it couldn't have gone better.  Everyone brought side dishes to share, we provided drinks, meats and desserts and Kevin grilled for everyone.  We had such a fun time that Kevin had to send everyone home at 9:30 because the kids were ready for bed.  My parents were so nice to take them out for the evening so we all had a good night.

We both wore ND colors to celebrate the big win earlier that day.

2 // BUGS

The kids have been finding the best bugs lately.  They've collected caterpillars, giant grasshoppers, moths, lady bugs, rolly polly bugs and this big preying mantis.  Fletcher got a Buggy Light from my MIL and it's so cool!

All three of the kids (ages 10, 7 and 3) all love using the Buggy Light.  It's easy to catch bugs in with the lid.  Easy for the kids to operate and you can turn on the light to get a great view through the magnified lid on top.  It's such a fun things for kids to take outdoors.  We have had ours for about a month and it's been really durable and really fun.  10/10 recommend it.  They also really love this bug vaccuum.  It's been used a lot all Summer long.

My Amazon link: 


3 // Pumpkin Spice

I grabbed this Pumpkin spice creamer for Olive this week.  We're ready for all the Fall flavors.

4 // Fun with Friends

I've been working hard to schedule fun friend dates for Leo - story time, playgrounds and this fun playscapes spot are all fun with the toddler crowd.  He wears himself out with his best buddies :)

5 // Notre Dame is back!

We had the best time watching our new QB throw for so many touch downs this week.  He's incredible and so fun to watch.  We're hoping it'll be a really fun season of football.  It was hard to lift Leo for 6 sets of touchdown pushups this year :)

6 // Jordan Bakery Box

I had a huge week with my bakery.  I got to cater a big event and it was so much fun.  My cookies were really well received and I was proud to get to do it.  I don't usually bake in this kind of quantity so it was a fun challenge for me.

7 // Temps in the 60s

We woke up to temps in the 60s several days this week and it felt amazing!!  The kids were so excited after the 100s we were seeing last week.

8 // Pearl

This climbing cutie scared me all week long.  She climbs as high as possible and perches herself there in every room.  Usually she just sits unless she wants attention and then she starts knocking things off the cabinets.

9 // Moon

The moon has been so pretty this week!

10 // Dinosaurs

Leo has been playing with his dinosaurs so much lately.  It's his favorite thing to do to line them all up or take them for rides on his fire truck.

11 // Exercise Buddy

Leo and I squeezed in two outdoor walks this week with the weather being so nice.  The hills in our neighborhood were harder than I remembered haha, but the fresh air and sunshine felt great.  Leo usually says - You so sweaty, Mom!  Great job! 

I hope you have a wonderful 3 day weekend!  I'll see you back here on Tuesday :)

Linking up with Momfessionals


  1. Sounds like a great week. Cookies look delicious. Leo look like he is having a good time with mom.Love to read of all the adventures of the Jordan family.

  2. Your cookie trays always look so delicious!! What a fun week.

  3. Congrats on the huge cookie order and the successful dinner party too! Have a good 3-day weekend!


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