Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Toddler Life with Leo

Toddlers are wild and wonderful.

I stand by my statement.

Leo is so much fun 90% of the time.  Less fun when he sneaks in a car nap in the car line after school and then is running laps around the upstairs when his siblings are trying to sleep or when you tell him no.  He's a bit like Ferdinand right now often breaking things on accident.  Vases of flowers.  Picking my potted flowers or insisting on doing something himself and making a huge mess.  

Whew.  Toddler hood requires a lot of patience from everyone.  God knew what he was doing when he made toddlers so cute and funny because they are messy little people.  He's curious and funny.  Silly and sweet.  I wanted to document some of the hilarious things he's been doing.  I keep a running list on my phone otherwise I'd never remember these moments.  I hope you get a laugh or two!


If anyone sneezes/coughs/falls down, Leo is the first to say, "You okay, Mom?"


Anytime we do something he says ME FIRST.


He never just says thank you.  He always says "Thank you berry much!"


He tells people often "I'm doing potty trains!" which sounds much more fun than potty training.


Anytime we tell him no to something he says, "Oh - too spicy??"

No more cookies - too spicy :)  Don't want to share my drink - too spicy.


Leo holds grudges.  For days he kept telling me, "Papaw took my juice box!" and the real story was that Papaw did take his juice box so that he'd have some juice left to drink when his meal arrived. Leo has yet to get over it.


He's either quick to say sorry or totally refuses.  There's nothing in between.


Snacky and starving 24/7.  He must be growing.  


One day he loves a big hug and a kiss.  The next day he wipes off your kiss and says YUCK.


He loves dinosaurs and cars so much.


Biking as fast as he can around the neighborhood is his very favorite thing.  Thankfully, he's finally getting the hang of paying attention to cars, other bikes and golf carts.


If you do something wrong, Leo is likely to pull out a chair and tell you to go to time out.  I spilled something in the kitchen making a huge mess and he told me to go to time out.


Ask him to do something he doesn't want to do and he'll say DAT IS SO RUDE.


Cowboy bed = big boy bed


Leo has a great imagination.  He talks nonstop to his cars and dinosaurs.  He also sings as long as he thinks no one is watching him.  He turns chairs upside down instantly turning them into boats.  Then he drives his boat shouting pirate like commands.


We were shopping at the mall and we passed a clothing display.  He screamed and said "Where'd that head go!?!" to the headless mannequin.


Anytime he sees a boat he asks to go on a Duck Boat Tour again.  Or anytime someone mentions Wisconsin, he says "Wisconsin so pretty!"


Any stormy days at home are "Double red flag days" based on our stormy days at the ocean this Summer.  Poor guy doesn't realize that doesn't apply in the Midwest.


Leo will tell you he's four and his name is Nuggy or Beebee.  He's just starting to say his full name.  Leo = Wee-O.  But he can say Leo Marvin Jordan if he concentrates enough.


"I hurt my hinger' = I hurt my finger.


Bandaids are king.


He could live on milk, Honeycrisp apples, Gardettos, cookies and candy.


Leo fell down and hurt his bottom.  He said "Owww!  My tail!!"


Leo is the funniest when he's chatty.  We walked out our front door to tell the big kids to come in for the night.  Some neighbors were walking their big dog.  Leo was surprised to see them and said "Hi guys!  Dat's a really cute doggy!"  All the neighbors love his friendly little self.  He will stop his bike to give a full wave to anyone he sees.


Photos that completely capture life with Leo right now:

Happy to shop as long as snacks & matchbox cars are involved.

Look at this cool "boat".  Not as cool when your boat collapses and pins you though.

Cute Leo.  Age 3 and wearing size 6/7 clothes.  He's growing so fast!

Happy to help.  I cleaned out and organized our garage and he supervised from his patrol car.

Would you believe that I get asked to rescue him when he gets stuck all day long??

"Wook at my hat!" haha

Leo loves going to story time.

Will Leo be a lefty??  He eats right handed but throws a ball left handed.  Time will tell.

The way to Leo's heart is through Reese's Cups or cookies.  He was so excited to discover my Reese's Cup pumpkin stash on the top shelf of our cabinets this week.

Always lining up dinosaurs.

Or sampling cookie dough.

"Bust Busting" is his favorite chore to help with.

Big dinosaur meeting.  He spends so much time carefully lining them all up in the same direction.

It's good to be Leo.

We love him so much!


  1. What a CUTIE!!!! Paw paw took my juice box 😂😂😂😂😂

  2. Potty trains DOES sound like more fun than normal potty training. Haha! What a cute kid. I remember when you shared these kinds of posts for Olive...time flies, doesn't it?


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