Tuesday, January 30, 2024

In & Out for 2024

I have loved seeing these IN and OUT lists for 2024 on social media so I thought I'd do one of my own.

Let's see if we agree or disagree!  I found it easier to come up with INs than OUTs.


Reading books.

Church every Sunday.

Snail mail.

Handwritten notes & thoughtful texts.

Crossword puzzles in the car.

Real food.

Homemade salad dressings.

Iced coffee at home.

Date nights.





Bigger gardens than the year before.

Grocery pick up & curbside delivery.

New hobbies.

Carefully collected home decor that you love.

Wardrobes that make you feel great.

Comfy shoes.

Ping pong.

Cute pajamas.

Couch slumber parties.

Printing photo books.

Travel to new places.

Voting for the right candidate.

Praying for our country.



Not enough sleep.

Late night snacks.

Jury duty (let's hope I don't have to serve!)

Keeping junk around just because we've had it forever.

Feeling pressure to sign our kids up for tons of stuff.


Kids with cell phones.

Dry shampoo.


Paying for shipping.

Every show on a different streaming channel.  Subscription required.

Tips for everything.


Giant aisles of light bulb options.

Signing for packages.

Being required to confirm an appointment 4 different ways.

Weight loss crazes.

Fake lashes.

Nonstop media.

What do we have in common for the coming year?


  1. You and I have so much in common, although you know I love dogs! And cilantro 😛 A big OUT for me this year is worrying, and an IN is more prayer 🙏🏻 Also, I have jury duty coming up too ! When is yours?

  2. I was just nodding my head "yes" to all of your OUTS!

  3. Grocery pick-up is the best thing ever!

  4. My favorite snack at night is a bowl of popcorn. But I don't eat much dinner so I need something to tide me over until morning! And speaking of over, I'm over streaming. We still have cable because it's cheaper than all the streaming services we'd have to have to watch our shows AND we watch sports. Too many lags with sports, we want to watch live.
    My IN is me and my family doing our own thing
    My OUT is fads/trends/influencers

  5. YES to comfy shoes! I have completely ditched flimsy little flats, and find myself looking for outfits that work with my favorite supportive tennis shoes. Hello 39! :) So I guess that's an in and an out for me.

    Dogs are always an out for me! Cats rule. :) And I'm with you on confirming an appointment over and over. Is there an epidemic of people making doctor appointments and then not showing up?? Ha!


I LOVE hearing from you!! Thanks for taking the time to leave sweet comments; I enjoy reading every one of them.