Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Icy Snowy Days

We had a great weekend!  It was freezing cold and so much fun.  

The kids were really hoping for lots of snow, but it turns out that you can have so much fun with barely an inch of snow.  There's a good life lesson there.  Find joy in your days even when they don't go as you had hoped.

We are always fully stocked with hats, gloves, snow gear, sleds and shovels.  We are still hopeful that more snow will come our way this winter.

The lakes in our neighborhood froze.

The kids got to walk on the edges with very close supervision.

The creek next to our house was filled with icicles and perfect ice rink puddles.

The snow was just enough to shovel and play in on the patio.

The kids bundled up again and again to go out and play in the winter wonderland.

I love the cold so it was fun to bundle up and go outside with them.  They were so excited when I climbed down into the creek with them.  That's much more enticing to mom in the dead of winter when all the creepy critters are nowhere to be found!

We have a 2 hour delay this morning and likely will have a couple more in the coming week.  I'm thankful that in this season of life that I'm home and that a change in our schedule isn't that big of a deal right now.  Kevin's got a really busy work week with not much wiggle room in his days.  It's a win-win for everyone that my schedule is so flexible.

We made rice krispie treats, hot chocolate, got take out, did extra laundry, watched movies and NFL playoff games.  Great times!

Is it icy and cold where you live?

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a fun weekend!! We are Team Snow over here too hoping for more this winter! But the kids have been out playing in the half inch we got anyway the last couple days! Lots of football here too so my daughter and I slipped away to do some returns and some TJMaxx browsing. ;) Your creek looks magical for childhood!


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