Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Another Eagle in the Family

In a surprising turn of events, a third grade spot opened up for Fletcher at my school this week!  We had been praying about a spot opening for him to come in 4th grade, but sometimes God works in surprising ways.  A good reminder for all of us!

We heard about the 3rd grade spot and scheduled an interview/school visit for Fletcher a few days later.  He was nervous and excited.  He wasn't sure this was the best time for him to move a month into the school year.  We all prayed about it and his interview was a total home run.  The principal told him that he'd be a perfect spokesman and recruiter for ECS.  We were so proud of him.

He got to see the campus from a 3rd grader's perspective, meet his new teacher and his new class.  We decided together that this was a wonderful opportunity for him.  He started last week and is off to a great start.

I LOVE hearing HEY MOM! in the halls and it's so fun to be at the same campus together.  We're praying for a smooth transition to his new school, that he'll make great buddies and that he will really benefit from the smaller class sizes/smaller school/religious education.  We have been so impressed with what Leo is learning and hope the same will be true for Fletcher.

It's awesome to have 3 eagles in the family!  And we are all trying to adjust to new routines once again.

He got Eagle swag at his visit.

His first day of school!

I love having him help in my classroom before school starts.  He seems to really enjoy helping my kindergarteners get started for the day.  He'll read them the morning questions, help me get my room ready and remind them to do their morning jobs.  It's a sweet way to start our day together!

Another surprising story of how God has been faithful to our family in unexpected ways!

1 comment:

  1. So glad that worked out for your family! 🙏🏻


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