Wednesday, April 10, 2024

8 Rainbows in One Day

If you've been around here for a minute, you know that I LOVE RAINBOWS.

Especially the past few years.  They have been a great reminder of God's goodness for our family.  I wrote about that here in 2021.

Genesis 9:13 I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.

On Leo's birthday, April 7th 2024, we had the most amazing display of rainbows!  In about a 2 hour time span we saw at least 8 rainbows.  I've never seen anything like it.  Some storms blew through our area and God put on a show in our backyard!  We always look for rainbows after storms or rain, but we didn't have to look hard to see this rainbow show.  One would fade and a new one would pop up.

Let me share some of my favorite rainbow pictures with you!  Several of them are double rainbows!

Best. Day. Ever.


  1. Those are the BEST! I love that you get to see so many full rainbows. God cares about the things that are special to us. <3


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