Monday, November 27, 2023

Thanksgiving Highlights

We had a really great Thanksgiving break!  And I hope you did, too.

We saw a lot of family on Thanksgiving and then did a lot of hanging out at home the rest of the week.  We slept in, snuggled, watched movies, crafted, organized, played and decorated for Christmas.  It was the perfect kick off to the Christmas season.  We just need to get a real tree for our family room.

The best parts of our Thanksgiving were.

Perfect weather on Thanksgiving!

Delivering cookies by bike.

Pop ins from friends!  My friend Allison was in town for the day and she got to see my house for the first time.  We had a great visit!

Penny loved our snuggles and movies nights!

Olive requested pumpkin pie for breakfast on Thanksgiving and was thrilled when I said yes!  She said it'll be her new Thanksgiving tradition.  I made 3 pies and lots of cookies.

We had lunch with Kevin's family and the meal was so good.  I love chicken and dumplings!

Nana hosted and that's always my favorite.  She's Kevin's grandma.  She's in her 80s and hosts often.  She always looks so cute, cooks a ton and is happy to host.  I always tell her that she's amazing!

The kids got to play outside a bunch.

Stop #2 on our Thanksgiving day.

Stop #3.  We had dinner at my sister's house and this Stanley line up for the girls made me smile.

The cousin table!   Leo joined the big kids this year and ate his weight in bread.

My sister in law, sister and myself all dressed alike.  You would have thought we planned it.  Great minds think alike!

We all took turns holding my sister's kitten, Judy.  She made all my cat lady dreams come true when she snuggled on me.

Girl cousins!  The boys screamed and ran when they suggested a boy picture :)

I love cats.  Think they'd notice if I snuck her home with me!?

And that was a Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. What a sweet holiday recap! I love the outfits you and Olive had on. She has great taste! Love the pics of you and Judy, of course she loved you! <3 So sweet that Kevin's grandmother is still able to cook and host at her house. She sounds like a precious treasure for your family!

  2. Oh my goodness what a beautiful cat! Your holiday looks so fun and family filled. I’m so glad!

  3. It sounds like a wonderful holiday. I love that you and sister/sister in law dressed alike!


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