Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Back to School 2023

The kids had a great first day of school yesterday!

We went to our back to school teacher night the week before to meet their teachers and see their classrooms.  It is always the perfect event to ease the back to school jitters.  Olive gets a locker this year and Fletcher's class gets to earn desk pets.  They were thrilled.  

Both kids left feeling excited and intrigued about all the things they'd be doing this school year.  Their teachers come highly recommended and both seem wonderful.  The best part about the open house was that we no longer feel like the new kids on the block.  The school was full of familiar faces for us and it made me smile to see the kids be recognized, loved and get to catch up with their favorite teachers around the building.  

5ht Grade Olive

2nd Grade Fletcher

We are going on year three of these backpacks from Pottery Barn Kids.  They're still going strong with a few new accessories or patches every year.

I did my best to pack full lunch boxes of all their favorite foods!  A big hug from home in the middle of their school days.  We are still using and loving our Yumboxes.

Olive woke up before her alarm and wore her new favorite character Stitch shirt.  She was eager to see friends and a little nervous about the work load in 5th grade.

Fletcher was feeling nervous about finding his classroom so Olive assured him that she'd walk him to his classroom when they got in the building.  Sweet big sis!  He was excited for recess and hoping for a fast and fun day.

Leo kept asking for the big kids, but he enjoyed some solo time with me.  We ran errands and just did our usual tasks - laundry, food prep for the week, baked cookies and hung out.  He was ready to go and get them when the end of the day rolled around.

Reunited and it feels so good!!

Their first day of the 2023-24 school year was a success.


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