Friday, August 23, 2024

Friday Favorites

 Happy Friday, Friends!  I hope you've had as good week.  We are finding our groove over here and yet still taking life one day at a time. 

Did you catch my blog posts this week?

End of an Era - you know it's a good one when your hubby tells you it tugged at his heart strings!

Pink Glasses

Adjusting to PreK

The best parts of our week were:

1. Mr. Mittens joined our family this week!  He's 3 months old and is settling in nicely to our crazy crew.  More details about him to come.

2. The big kids picked out Jordan backpacks this year and Leo had to have a matching one.  They're such cute backpacks.  Everyone found their own color that they loved.  I love all the pockets and I'm hoping they last for a long time.

3. Dig N Roll.  We squeezed in one last trip to Dig N Roll before school started.  The boys would spend all day in the car wash station.

4. Chick-Fil-A macaroni and cheese is AMAZING.  Have you had it??  It tastes like homemade.  Perfectly creamy and so cheesey.  It's my favorite side dish ever.

5. My parents got to stop by my classroom when it was under construction.  It feels good to have it all put together now.  Classroom tour to come.

6. Toffee Truffles.  The Sams samples got us.  I've been going to Sams on the weekends with the kids and it's the highlight of their weekend.  They love trying all the new things.  We got to sample these and they were amazing.  They are great for lunch boxes and treats for my desk. 

7. Leo is really into building towers.  He loves to build them, get compliments on them and then knock them down.

8. Teacher shoes.  I've been collecting comfy and cute teacher shoes.  It feels good to find shoes that are comfy to wear for 8+ hours of standing on hard floors.  These pink Adidas shoes are my favorite!

9. Kevin's Mom (AKA Nanny) took the kids on a little mall date right before school started.  We grabbed lunch at Chick-Fil-A, the kids each got to pick out one new clothing item for school and then we stopped in Build A Bear.  What a treat!

10. Kevin's dad retired recently and Kevin took the kids to his retirement luncheon.  He was a cardiologist for almost 40 years and his patients love him.  It'll be fun to see if any of the kids grow up wanting to be doctors like their grandpa or their dad.

11. I couldn't resist these Queso On the Border chips when I was doing grocery pick up.  They're a tiny bit spicy (my favorite kind of spicy) and have such a good flavor.  I'd buy them again!  They were a fun twist on a regular tortilla chip.

12. Third grade is going so wellf or Fletcher.  He's got a really great teacher who has already sent home the nicest notes about Fletch.  

13. Leo with his giant backpack is one of my favorite things.  He insisted on a big kid backpack and it's adorable.

Have the best weekend!  See you back here next week.

Linking up with Momfessionals


  1. Happy Friday, girlie! Your week looks incredible! :)

  2. TGIF! I loved hearing about your week. I just got Walmart sneakers that look very similar to the Adidas. so comfy. Have a good weekend!

  3. Aww! Mr Mittens is an adorable addition to your family.
    Those backpacks look great. I love the different colours and yum! That mac and cheese looks so good.

  4. Yes! Chik-Fil-A mac & cheese is so amazing! I've told everyone I know to try it! Mr. Mittens is the cutest, makes me want a kitten! Seems like you and your family is doing such a great job adjusting to your new teaching position, can't wait to hear all about your kindergarten adventures!


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