Monday, August 5, 2024

Planting from Seeds

I have really enjoyed learning how to plants flowers from seeds this year.  I harvested seeds last year, let them dry and experimented with planting them.  You can google the flowers you have and you'll probably find a video showing you how to harvest seeds!  It's been easy to learn and every flower is different.

I bought marigolds last year, learned how to harvest seeds and they have done so well!  I'm harvesting seeds to save for next year.  You basically just wait for the blooms to feel dry to the touch and pull them off the plant.

You can harvest lantana seeds, my allysum seeds proeduced teh cutest white flowers.  I did a mix of store bought plants and flower seeds in each pot to ensure they filled out nicely.  My orange marigolds in the center are thriving.

And you know I've loved growing wildflowers and zinnias so much!

We're harvesting zinnia seeds and trying hard to wait for them to dry out/lose lots of their color before pulled the petals to get the seeds.  The kid LOVE to help with this project.

I store all my flower seeds in glass jars that I leave open and let them get fully dry.  If you cap up the jars and don't let the seeds dry, they will mold.  I learned that lesson the hard way.  Keep your seed jars or containers open.

Let me know if you have any seed questions!

1 comment:

  1. Good job girl! You are a gardening pro! I have put various flower seeds on my birthday list for this year haha I discovered a company called Wildseed Farm and have been making my list so that I can stock up for winter and spring planting!


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