Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Free Toy Egg Carton

Moms of littles, I have a tip for you!

Save your egg cartons for some free entertainment.

Let me explain.

My 4 year old loves playing with egg cartons.  We have found so many fun uses for them.

1. Smash in the egg cartons

2. Fill each egg slot with a tiny toy (cars here)

3. Go outside and pick a clover flower or dandelion for each spot.

4. Collect ladybugs for each spot.

5. Pick a clover for each spot or a cherry tomato for each spot.

6. Fill an empty egg carton with a bite size lunch for your toddler.

7. Put paint in each spot and let your toddler paint.

8. Put a little snack in each spot for a fun snack tray.

Leo plays with them all the time and loves filling each spot.

Let me know if your toddler has fun with an egg carton!

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