Friday, July 12, 2024

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday, Friends!  I hope you've had a great week.  We have been busy having fun and trying to squeeze in all the appointments before school starts.  Let me show you some highlights!

1. My friends came in town for the day!  They drove two hours south and we hit some of our favorite places to play and hang out.  It was so good to see them and our kids had fun playing.  We went to Dig N Roll and The Hills.

Leo strolled out of the "sand room" coated in their sand.

2.  Leo loves french fries more than almost anything else.

3. Turtle rescuers!  We've found several turtles in the neighborhood and the kids love it.  We usually hose them off, try to give them a snack and release them in our creek.  We hope to keep seeing them around.

4. Zoo Day!  I took the kids to our zoo and we had a really great time.  We did some new things and saw some cool animals up close.

4. UE Art Camp.  The kids went to the UE art camp for the third summer in a row.  They made some really cool art, loved eating in the college food court every day and had a good time with their friends.

5. We  rode the riding critters at the mall.  The kids love driving these crazy animals.

6. Snow Cones are always a good idea when it is HOT out.

7. Butterfly watching.  Our flowers are in full bloom and the butterflies are thrilled!!  We've seen some really pretty big butterflies.

8. We had a cool night so the boys did a bonfire.  They just love burning stuff and I supply the s'mores ingredients.

9. Topher recently turned 15 and he's gotten so much joy out of his bag of new cat toys.  I don't buy them very often so it was sweet to seem him acting like a playful kitten with his new toys.

10. Books!  We love to meet Kevin's mom at Barnes and Noble to pick out some new books.  The kids found some really great reading options for Summer and enjoyed lunch and ice cream at Jason's Deli.

11. Loose tooth invention.  Fletcher begged to shoot out his loose tooth with his Nerf Gun.  It worked.  He lost his tooth and then someone lost it in our family room.  I'm sure we'll find it one day, but he shot it so hard that the tooth went flying.

12. Watering flowers and making mom rainbows.

Have a great weekend!!

1 comment:

  1. That is so funny about the nerf gun and tooth. It sounds like something my Jack would have done. It looks like you've been having a wonderful summer.


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