Monday, May 20, 2024

Preteen Parenting: Shopping Tips

I have learned a few tips about shopping for older kids this year.

My old strategies weren't working.  

I used to collect things way in advance and save them for birthdays and holidays when the kids were little.  I could better anticipate what they would be interested in and not have to worry about return windows and trends changing.  I've noticed my preteen wanting to have return options and their wish lists changing all the time.  That means I need to save my shopping until just a few weeks before holidays.

Here's how I am approaching shopping for my older kids now:

1. Wait to buy things until a couple weeks before their birthdays.  

I leave the tags on everything.  That way if they don't like an item, it is easy to return and no stress if something doesn't work out.

2. Don't take teen attitude personal.  

Sometimes I work hard to gather tons of swim suit options or jeans options and then end up returning them all.  Or we try on tons of things in store and walk away with nothing.  I try to just enjoy the process and the quality time together.  The rejected clothes aren't a rejection of you.  It is just them trying to find their own personal style.

3. Shop for clothes at stores that have easy return options for me.  

I ask the kids to put things in the cart that catch their eye at places like Old Navy and then we browse the cart together.  We talk through their selections, read reviews, confirm sizes and then I can easily return things if they aren't what we hoped.  We avoid shopping at stores that require a mail in return other than Amazon.  This is a great options for stores you are familiar with since you know how their sizes and clothing runs.  Also, encourage them (especially girls) if they see a friend wearing something that they love, ask them where they got it.  It's been fun to check out new stores and new trends.

4. Ask your child to give you birthday wish lists to share with family and friends.  

My big kids have learned the art of making an Amazon wish list.  It's been so helpful!  They are always adding and editing it so I have ideas to share with family when they ask.  I also ask the kids often - are you still into fossils?  Squishmallows?  Stitch?  To gauge their interest.

5. Have honest conversations about items.  

If you splurge and get your teens something, make sure they love it and will use it.  We have had honest conversations about nice tennis shoes because we wanted to make sure they were enjoyed and didn't sit in a box.  Olive said she loved the idea of them, but probably wouldn't wear them a ton.  So we returned them and no feelings were hurt.

Now tell me your best shopping tips for teens! 


  1. That is such great advice about not taking things personally or getting your feelings hurt! Amazon wish lists are so helpful. I have definitely had to learn to sit back and not say too much since my daughter's style is different from mine. ;)

  2. Great advise. We have had to have lots of honest conversations!


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