Monday, August 12, 2024

Back to School 2024

The whole family is headed back to school this year!  Olive and Fletcher started back last Monday.  Leo and I went back on Wednesday and Kevin heads back soon.

6th grade Olive loves recess time where she can meet up with her friends from other classes.

3rd grade Fltcher says his teacher is probably his nicest teacher ever.

I'm so proud of these two.  They are navigating so many new things really well this year.  I'm thankful they are in the same school for one more year.

Kindergarten teacher mom.  I learned a lot this week.  The pacing of K is so different than 3rd grade.  I have better ideas and plans for week two.  I'm learning tons of new technology and hopefully soon enough I'll hit my kindergarten stride.

PreK Leo.  Day 1 was a struggle, but things turned around for him on day 2.  He's got a wonderful teacher and all of us cheering him on.  He is already learning lots in PreK.  He told me his teacher talks all day, he works so hard, he's making friends but has no clue what their name are and loves showing us the right way to line up.  

I underestimated the amount of scheduling and planning that it takes to have two full time working parents and five people to plan around.  I'm making more lists than ever before.  Kevin's helping out with all the things.  Last week went as smooth as possible because of all his help.  We're coordinating pick ups and drop offs.  My mom helped us last week.  My MIL dropped off dinner for us and Door Dash made dinner easy on us.  We're doing it.  One day at a time and a lot of praying and planning.

I look forward to commuting to and from school with this guy.  We were stopped at a stoplight :)  

My classroom is the happiest room.  I'm thankful to have an experienced assistant.  Thankful for the pretty bouquet of flowers Kevin delivered on Day 2 and thankful for the opporutnities that have come our way this year.

My kindergarten team has been wonderful!  They are so helpful and welcoming.  Love them!

Back to school week had plenty of high highs and low lows.  Tears and smiles.  Now it's in the books an we all have our first full week of school.  Whew!  We're learning a lot together this year and working as a family team to keep things running smoothly.  If you think of my family, will you pray that it's a wonderful year for all of us?!  We are all doing lots of new things!


  1. You have such a great attitude! Like you said you’ll all hit your strides! Praying for you!

  2. Your classroom looks so cheery and inviting!

  3. Praying for your sweet family in this season of change and transition. I think it is a blessing that 6th grade is in elementary school where you are. Our system puts it in junior high and they grow up too fast! Hang in there!

  4. I've been looking forward to your first week update. Your classroom looks so cheerful and friendly. I'm praying for you! Hugs!


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