Olive officially turned 8 on Saturday. We had a sweet time celebrating her. These are a few of my favorite pictures of her from this year. She just wrapped up second grade and loved every day of going to school to learn with her friends.
Olive wrote an I am poem at school. She said...
I am curious, artistic, bossy.
It's true. She's sassy and sweet and she has always known exactly who she is.
Our current favorite things about Olive:
1. You are brave. You try new things from basketball, take care of things at school for yourself and have learned how to stand up for yourself.
2. You are always setting new goals for yourself - this summer you want to work on division, learning cursive, keep reading a lot, learn how to cook with me and you were thrilled when school announced that you'd be able to keep your Chromebook over the summer to do school work.
3. You're chattier as you get older. You are starting to enjoy grown up things like talking and browsing at stores. You're dependable, funny and your teachers always say that you are such a good role model for your peers.
1. Olive has an amazing memory.
2. She's thoughtful.
3. She is really brave and will try new things like giant water slides or basketball.
1. She's fun to play with.
2. I like sharing a room with Olive.
3. We get to go to the same school next year. I wish I could sit by her at lunch.
1. You give me funny nicknames like Kitty.
2. You make me laugh and help keep me safe.
3. You can't resist my dark chocolate brown eyes.
We can't wait to watch her grow, learn and love new things in the coming year.