Friday, March 7, 2025

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday, friends!  I hope you've had a good week.  Lots of happy things to report here.

The best parts of our week were:

1. Sweet notes from my kindergarteners are my favorite.  They are starting to feel sentimental about the year coming to an end.  Several of my students said they'd like to stay in kindergarten forever.  I'll be sad to send this class on to first grade.   But, if I'm being honest, I'm excited for year two when I don't feel quite so new and I have a year of teaching kindergarten under my belt.

2. Guest reader!  I loved having Fletcher come down to my class and be a guest reader.  He did a great job.  My students think he's the coolest and get so excited to see him around school.

3. This made me LOL.  It's true.  Kindergarteners tell me everything.

4. Late night Mr. Mittens is so cute.

5. We had a delicious teacher luncheon this week.  One of our admins grilled for us and then everyone brought in sides to share.  Best lunch of the week.

6. Olive has been making tons of bracelets!  We stocked up at a recent 50% off Hobby Lobby bead sale and she's been crafting like crazy.  Mr Mittens loves to be nearby to attack her string and mix up her beads.  I love her creations and have a few nice stacks from her.

7. These boys love to play video games.  And they love when I sit and watch them play.  I have no idea what's going on in their games, but they appreciate having me nearby.

8. Sams has the prettiest bouquets of tiny roses for only $9.99!  They are called spray roses and look how goregous they are!  They came in several colors, made a huge bouquet and were such a deal.  I grabbed this bouquet and s'mores snack mix of a colleague that had been sick.  The perfect treat combo!

9. I love a week night road trip to meet up with my friends.  They drive an hour south and I drive an hour north and we meet for one of my favorite nights of the quarter.  We do a little shopping, eating, catching up, ice cream eating and laughing.  I love these besties.

Pepperoni rolls are my favorite thing to get at Old Chicago.

And they know that I love lemons!
We planned our dinner close to Valentine's Day so I brought them a little gift of my favorite things - hair clip from Dollar Tree & a canvas bag from TJ.  

10. I get so excited every time I spot a rainbow in the sky!

11. I'll be sad when Leo outgrows riding in the shopping cart.  We strolled through the aisles of Target so he could scope out toys he'd like for his birthday.  He found lots of fun options.  I took pictures of all the toys to put on his wish list.  How is my baby turning FIVE this Spring??

12. All my favorite stores have really pretty scarves showing up on their shelves for Spring.  This pretty scarf is from Walmart and I ordered a few new ones from Old Navy.  They will look so pretty on your bags or around your neck this season.

13. Crumbl!  I have Crumbl gift cards saved up from Christmas gifts from my students.  I picked these up for dessert one night to surprise my family.  They were all yummy.

14. Chapel day!  I get so excited to go to chapel and sit by this cutie.  It's fun to see him at school and worship with him.

I hope you have a great weekend!  I'm ready to crash after a busy week.  See you back here on Monday!

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

2 Tips to Make Any Teen Smile

I have two teen tips that will make any teen smile.  I promise.

1. Surprise them with their favorite things.  

Pay attention to the latest trends, their Amazon with lists and what all the kids are wearing or wanting.  Then surprise them with it.

Olive is very into Vera Bradley + teddy bears.  She got a bag in this pattern for Christmas.  After a stressful week at school, I surprised her with the matching zipper pouch and an encouraging note.  She LOVED it.  And loved that I cared enough to pay attention to know what she's love.

It can also be simple like adding their favorite things to the grocery list each week or restock their favorite beauty items.  Olive knows where I keep my grocery list in the kitchen.  She's always adding items to the list and is so happy when they arrive.  I've also surprise her by making her bed, tidying up her bedroom and doing her laundry without asking her to help.  She always seems to appreciate it.

2. Fix some of the little things for them.

Your teen will have many things that will stress them out or need fixing each week.  Fix some of the little things to make their days less stressful.  Wake up early to do their hair so they don't have to stress about it.  Keep track of their schedule, remember their events and keep track of what they need to know.  Check their grades with them and reach out to teachers with questions.  Sometimes Olive will tell me she will handle the question and other times she will ask me to email her teacher.  Or dumpster dive when one of their favorite things accidentally gets tossed.

I emptied trash cans around the house and - long story short - I threw away an art project that Olive had just made with her friends.  I grabbed a flashlight, headed out to the curb on the eve of trash pick up and did some dumpter diving.  I found her art.  And she was so excited.

I try to do both of these things regularly to connect with my favorite (pre)teen!

Monday, March 3, 2025

Favorite Foods from Sams

Sams has been saving the day for us for meals.  Their produce is always the best I can find.  We make it to Sams almost every weekend to stock up on fruits and veggies + our meal essentials.

Let me tell you about our current favorites.

Going shopping with these two.  They love to try the samples and add things to my cart.

So sweet.
Except for when I let them drive the cart and they run into my heel at full speed.  I don't recommend that at all.  Otherwise they are getting better at driving a cart (I've wised up and walk behind them), being polite and talkative to the sample ladies, helping me scan everything on the app to check out and navigating a crowded store.  All good life skills.

We sampled these Sesame Ginger Chicken Dumplings and they are delicious.

I cook as directed.  Brown them a bit and add the ginger sauce.

I served them with some vegetable lo mein.

And edamame.  It was such a yummy dinner.  It was much cheaper than going out to eat.

These egg bites have been a life saver for me for easy lunches.  I brown them a bit and reheat them for lunch.  Or if I eat them at home I'll make some toast to go with them.  They have a couple of different flavors and they are all good.

The kids sampled these and loved them.  I can't handle the spice so I didn't buy them.

This is the best queso ever.  Trust me.

I'm loving these granola bars for breakfast and a snack during the day.  They are filling, chewy and so yummy.  Another sample that we loved.

This was two dinners for us.  We really enjoyed it.  The chicken was pretty good, but next time I think I'll get the vegetable fried rice and add my own chicken.  I added in a couple of scrambled eggs, more peas and green onions.

Mini tacos.  A staple Sams item.  They are a great appetizer and the perfect dinner item.

I hope you found a new item or two that your family would enjoy from Sams.