Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Goals for 2014

A new year begs for new goals.
I always look forward to setting new goals and focusing on them for the coming year.
My goals for 2014 are as follows:

1. Learn how to sew & use my new camera.
I'd like to sign up for a sewing class or two and I know I'll need to spend some time reading my camera manual/watching the DVD.
2. Exercise more, get healthy & lose weight.  
I'm not back to my pre-baby weight and I'd like to be in the coming months.  I'm planning to eat healthier, exercise more and to be more active in general.  I don't have a specific number in mind but I want to be in better shape.
3. Find a church home & make some friends in Little Rock.
4. Maximize my time with Olive.  
I LOVE staying home with Olive and I don't know how long I will be a SAHM.  I love teaching but am so thankful to have this time with her right now.  I want to pay attention to her, interact & play with her, read to her and involve her in as much as I can this year.  She's 7 months old now, these months have flown by and I want to be sure that I can say I made the most of the time we were home together.
5. Less screen time.
I love my blog, I love my iphone and I love watching TV.  I also love to read, love to bake, love to go for walks, love to scrapbook, love to organize and do DIY projects.  In 2014, I want to do more things/projects and spend less time glued to various screens in my life.

I could easily come up with 5 more things but these are my top picks for the year.
Do you set new goals for yourself in January?
Do we have any goals in common this year??


  1. I saw you are looking for a church home. What part of little rock do you live near?

  2. Great list! I'm sure you'll accomplish all of those things! What kinds of things do you want to sew?
    We haven't tried to find a new church either - it's such a daunting task, because it ends up being such a large part of our lives. I think we are going to visit churches starting this Sunday...Why am I nervous??

  3. Hi Whitney! I found your blog through The Tiny Twig link-up. One of my goals is to learn more about my camera/ photography this year too! And I'm always trying to minimize screen time :) Good luck reaching your goals!


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