Monday, April 30, 2012

Polka-Dotty Take Out

I mentioned last Friday that I found the new, greatest way to wrap gifts...
Polka-Dotty Take Out boxes
from World Market
 They come in solids and polka-dots for $0.99 each.
I bought coordinating tissue paper, ribbon and added sticker tags.

I used the sticker labels to close the boxes.

 It seems like these take out boxes would be perfect for 
party favors, gift boxes, dessert boxes, and lots more!!
 Orange might just be my new favorite color :)
 These lovely gifts were for our secretaries.
Here are my suggestions for great gifts for your secretaries:
1st set:
I love the variety in size, color and texture of this strand of beads.
 2nd set:
Great gold and black combo
 3rd set:
Love the coral, turquoise and sea shell in this set
 What lady wouldn't love this jewelry??
It was hard to remember that I wasn't shopping for myself on this trip.
World Market has a TON of great jewelry right now.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Published Authors

My students got published!
For the ninth year in a row, I had my students publish their own book.
I use this company:

They send you a packet for free and the students do the writing.
We work for weeks writing, editing, revising and illustrating our work.
*The books are anywhere from $15 -$20 each 
so I realize that this may not be a doable project for all students.

I do a voting process to select the title & cover design
and each child has 2 pages - one to illustrate and one for their writing.
A PERFECT MIX was our title this year.
 I always write my own poems for the kids.
I don't read them to the parents at our party but the kids love that I wrote with them.
 *Kevin said he was sad that I didn't mention him in my poems...  wife fail :(

 I also had the kids work in groups to write a collaborative poem.

When the books arrive, we have a publishing party and invite parents to come in.
The kids recite their auto-biographical poems to a great audience.
The parents MELT over these sweet books!!
It is definitely a highlight of the year.
 This is my 9th year in a row to publish a book with my students!!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Do you have an iPod?

My students write in their "Writing Think Pads" every day.
I give them prompts, ask questions, current events, make lists and much more.
Our latest question was, "Do you have an iPod?"

Here were two of my favorite responses:
1. empty three player or more commonly known as an MP3 player - ha!
I couldn't burst her bubble and tell her the true name.
 2. Strong feelings coming out about Justin Bieber abound.
From two of my very favorite, spunky 2nd graders.

The Cowboy Grub

We had the pleasure of eating at The Cowboy Grub this weekend.
Several friends had recommended it and we just bought a Groupon for it.
2350 Foothill Drive in Sugarhouse
Fun menu:

Here are the reasons that we WILL be going back:
1. The lemon slices in the drinks were GIGANTIC
2. Their corn bread with honey butter was delish.
 3. Their sourdough rolls were oh so tasty!
4. I liked the taco salad but can't wait to try to quiche or pot pie next time.
 5. Kevin said their fish and chips were amazing!
 6. Kevin went to pay and mentioned that we were first time guests.
They said that we had to take a dessert to go "on the house" 
because they appreciated our business.
 Thank you Cowboy Grub!!
Kevin chose the cinnamon roll... he is still drooling over it...
"Best icing ever, icing swirled throughout the cinnamon roll and tons of cinnamon!"
He's dying to go back just for this:
 I got the peanut butter chocolate chip cookie and it was good.
 7. I was too full to order one of their many desserts so I must go back to try them!
8. Their waitstaff was so friendly.
9. Loved the theme that permeated throughout the entire place - 
the staff had sheriff badges for names tags that said,
 "Sheriff ____________" as their name, wagon wheels, horse shoes, etc.
10.We both had a hard time deciding on what to order 
because there were so many things that looked yummy.

Thanks for a great dinner, Cowboy Grub!!