Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Outtakes

Just in case you thought taking Halloween pictures of cats 
was a walk in the park...

Here are my favorite outtakes:
 "I hate wearing costumes!!!"

 Topher is a bit of a ham for the camera.

 That was not cat abuse boys :)
 A grooming session was required 
after I'd ruffled their feathers so much with our photo shoot.

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

 We wish we could "bee" with all of you this Halloween.

Kevin, Whitney, Oliver & Topher

WIWW & Trend of the Month Challenge

I was really pleased with my outfits this week.
I had to try on a lot of clothes to come up with these looks
so I was glad that they came together nicely.

1.  Purple & Leopard
cardigan and dress- TJ Maxx
belt - Michael Kors
Scarf - Wal-Mart
Gold Earrings - Polka-DottyPlace etsy shop
Flats - Bandolino

2. School Picture Day
blazer - TJ Maxx
polka-dotted top - thrifted
fuscia belt - Macys
fuscia skirt & earrings - Limited
Booties - DSW 

 3. Saturday Errands 

The top knot might just be my new go to look...
 infinity scarf - J Crew
Polka-dotted chambray - Old Navy
Crops - Loft
Boots - DSW
tortoise shell watch - Liz Claiborne

Which outfit was your favorite??

I'm linking up with Lindsey & Marion today

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween Activities at School

A perk of teaching elementary school is that the kids LOVE the holidays
and seem to love doing any subject if it has a holiday theme.

Here are some of the fun things that we've been doing this month:
 I have rolls of copper and silver foil like metal
so I had the kids cut out pumpkins or ghosts and then decorate them.
The edges were sharp so we had to be really careful.

 We wrote tips to help kids be safe and have a great trick-or-treating experience.
 We wrote a story from the pumpkins' perspective about the upcoming holiday.
It was funny to see how many pumpkins dreaded Halloween and which ones loved it.
They also had to explain their position of love or hate.
 Someone donated a set of Halloween stickers so I had the kids use them to create their own invitations to a Halloween party.  We came up with a list ahead of time to ensure that all of the important invitation elements were included in their final copy.  We used 12x12 scrapbook paper and the stickers.
Then we presented them to the class to tell about everything going on at our parties.

October Calendar Caption Contest
Each month the kids have a writing contest to see who can come up with the most clever, best caption for the picture.  This is the picture for this month, everyone has an index card and can only fill up one side.  It's tough for the kids to keep it brief and be clever (they want to write a whole story) but I think after a few months of doing this that they are getting the hang of it.  I usually pick 2-3 winners.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Sunday, October 28, 2012


I think my counters are often occupied when I'm not around.
I just happened to catch Oliver lounging the day away...
Can I help you?
 Remember, I am the boss around here!

 Guess he really is the boss.
Good thing he's so cute.